Seminari: Evolutionary and Systems Biology Approaches to Plant-Virus Interactions

Informació de l'esdeveniment
Aula 0.22 HUAV Lleida


Seminari: Evolutionary and Systems Biology Approaches to Plant-Virus Interactions, amb Santiago F. Elena (Institut de Biologia Molecular i Cel·lular de plantes IBMCP -CSIC-Universitat Politècnica de València-), dins el Curs de formació continuada en investigació.

Understanding the mechanisms by which viruses overcome host defenses in order to proliferate has been a challenging problem owing to the multiplicity of factors and complexity of interactions involved.  The advent of omic techniques opened the possibility to grasp a global and dynamic picture of the interaction.  We are tackling this problem combining different approaches. Firstly, characterizing the transcriptomic responses of plants to infection with experimentally evolved viruses; and secondly, performing meta-analyses of available transcriptomic data from a collection of viruses all infecting Arabidopsis thaliana.