The UdL Senate passes the new Statutes with 97% of the votes of those in attendance
The debate hinged around limiting the mandate of vice-rectors and the possibility of more faculty being eligible to stand for the position of rector
The main aim of the University of Lleida is provide high standards of teaching with quality services throughout the university community that reach society beyond the campus gates. Students make up most of the UdL community, and our objective is to ensure that they enjoy the teaching and learning processes involved.
The University of Lleida is committed to the training of excellent researchers, the attraction and retention of research talent, as well as the recruitment of research and transfer projects to increase and improve scientific results and their valorisation.
The debate hinged around limiting the mandate of vice-rectors and the possibility of more faculty being eligible to stand for the position of rector
Àlex Bach will be opening research lines on the colostrum formation process in cows
Involving a UdL researcher together with experts from Australia, the US and Russia
Mirana Gerges extends her role as UNICAT ambassador of the UdL to a second consecutive academic year
We are a public and quality university, close at the same time as open to the world; a benchmark in teaching, training, research and innovation; committed to development cooperation and sustainability, social justice and equal opportunities, and a leader in scientific and cultural production in multiple areas of knowledge.
Una quarantena de joves -24 noies i 15 nois - han rebut els premis i mencions que la Universitat de Lleida atorga anualment al treballs de recerca de batxillerat i cicles formatius de grau superior
La ponència marc ha anat a càrrec de Susanna Soler Prat, professora del centre de Barcelona de l'INEFC i coordinadora del Grup d'Investigació Social i Educativa de l'Activitat Física i l'Esport
EN DIRECTE: Dimecres 13 de novembre de 2024 a les 17.00h
EN DIRECTE: 25 d'octubre a les 12h / Lliçó inaugural: La infermeria, un art o l'art de la infermeria, a càrrec de Mercè Taló (infermera especialista en geriatria i tutora d'especialistes en formació d...
El coneixement i la gestió de l'aigua davant els reptes del canvi climàtic han protagonitzat la inauguració oficial del curs de Campus Iberus d'excel·lència internacional de la Vall de l'Ebre
Una doctoranda de la UdL identifica al Berguedà el patogen que s'ha estès pel nord de l'Estat
Videopòdcast impulsat pel grau d’Història, Geografia i Història de l’Art de la UOC i la UdL