Stella Video Contest
Descarregar pdfWhat is the Stella Video Contest?
The goal is to award students' creativity and originality. Running this competition, the CGU’s aim is to encourage students to work with these two rising values. In addition, working with digital technologies will help them to develop a more complete professional background.The Compostela Group will award the most original video made by a student or a group of students of one of its member universities.
Who can participate?
The video can be made either by an individual student or by a team. If the video is made by a team, one of the students should be named as its representative. In case a video made by a group wins the contest, each member of the team will be awarded a diploma, but the CGU will only give a contribution of up to 1.000 euro (paid against receipted invoice) to cover the travel costs of the team’s representative (more information in the “Prize” section).Being the CGU’s Video Contest a competition addressed to students, only videos recorded and edited by students will be allowed to participate. If it is detected that a video has been made by an institution, by a technician or by anyone who is not a student, it will be removed from the competition.
Characteristics of the video:
Topics (to choose one):1. Show what you know about the Compostela Group of Universities in an original way.
2. A day in the life of an international student.
3. Does diversity foster creativity in a working environment?
4. The European current situation: crisis or opportunity?
5. Figuring out what to do after University.
Technical requirements:
- The recording can be made using any kind of device (cell phones, webcams, etc.) and can be edited afterwards.
- Maximum length: 1 minute 30 seconds.
- Copyright: No music or images not belonging to the producer of the video should be included, unless the participant has the author’s permission to use it. The participating institutions will be responsible to guarantee this requirement is met by their nominated videos.
- Language for the videos: in the case the video is not in English it should include subtitles in correct English.
- In addition to the logo of the university, the logo of the Compostela Group should be present in the whole video. That can be done through a small reproduction of the logo in one of the corners of the screen or in a different way.
The prize
Traineeship at EuronewsEuronews, the international news channel, covering world news from a European perspective in 13 different languages, will offer a training placement to the winner of the Contest. If the awarded video was made by a team of students, Euronews will either select one of them to do the traineeship or offer more placements.
Besides, a representative of the TV channel will participate as a member of the jury and observer to identify high-talented students from the CGU participating universities who will also be eligible for a training placement at Euronews.
The traineeship will last from 3 to 6 months and the student will receive a stipend from Euronews that under no circumstances will be considered as salary.
Euronews will integrate the trainees in its departments and daily working routine, providing them with a work agenda which serves the trainee students in improving their professional skills.
The traineeship shall not imply any type of labour relationship between the students and Euronews or the students and the CGU. The Compostela Group will not be responsible for the actions of the trainee students or their results.
Invitation to the CGU’s General Assembly
The winner of the contest will be invited to attend the General Assembly of the Group, which is held every year in a different institution of the CGU. The winner (or the representative of the winning team) will receive from the Compostela Group through his/her university a contribution up to 1000 euro to travel to the venue of the event, where the video will be played and a certificate will be awarded. Besides, their video will be disseminated through the different digital platforms of the CGU.
The jury
The President will be Maurits van Rooijen, President of the CGU. The jury will also be composed of the CGU’s Vice-President, five representatives of the association’s member institutions and a representative of Euronews.Chronology
30th April 2015: Deadline for the universities to send to the CGU’s Secretariat the selected video(s) to join the CGU contest and the Nomination Form.May 2015: Deliberation of the Jury of the IV CGU International Video Contest
June 2015: Public announcement of the winner.
September 2015: Presentation of the prize during the CGU’s General Assembly.
Selection process
The criteria for the selection of the winner video will consider the level of creativity and originality.All the participating videos will be available to the jury on a private playlist of the Youtube channel of the Compostela Group. The jury will rate each video from 1 to 10. The video with the highest punctuation will be the winner of the contest. In case of a tied vote, a second ballot shall be held between the equally rated candidates.
Acceptation of the competition rules
Participating in this contest implies the acceptation of all its rules. Participants will be the only responsible of any copyright/image rights complaints from the people appearing in the videos or the music used.According to the Spanish Organic Law 15/1999 of Personal Data Protection, the participants, through their signature in the nomination form, give their consent to the treatment of their
personal data, related to the procedures of the contest, to the Compostela Group.
Executive Secretariat
Casa da Cuncha, Rúa da Conga, 1. P.C.: 15782 Santiago de Compostela, A Coruña (Spain)
Tel.: +34 881 812 931/4/5 Fax: +34 881 812 932
E-mail: | Web:
All participating videos will become CGU’s property. The CGU will be able to use them for promotion, for its broadcast at meetings and events of the Group and on the website of the association, profiles/groups, social networks and other media related to its activities. The participants will be allowed to use their videos for other purposes as long as they remove the CGU logo from them.
The Compostela Group is not responsible for technical, hardware, software, or other malfunctions of any kind, lost or unavailable connections, or failed, incorrect, incomplete, inaccurate, or delayed electronic communications caused by the user or by any equipment or programming associated with or utilized in this promotion, or by any human, or other error, which may occur during this contest.For further information or if you need some advice regarding the organization of the contest, please do not hesitate to contact the CGU’s Secretariat at
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